I Love Milestones, You Love Milestones: Let’s Talk Fine and Visual Motor Development Milestones!
One question that I run into often is, “ Should my child be able to do x,y,z already?”. Parents are programmed to worry. We worry if our child is behind or not doing the things their peers are able to do. While the temptation to compare is normal, it is ideal to remember that there is a range to which child development takes place. Milestones are a nice way to gauge if your child is within that range or not and help guide the decision to weather or not a child may benefit from outside support. While there are gross motor milestones, self-help milestones, speech milestones, and social emotional milestones, i want to focus here fine and visual motor developmental milestones. Below is a nice and easy breakdown you can use to get an idea of things you may want to work on with your child or consult with an occupational therapist .